
The Australian Alps Walking Track

The australian alps walking track

difficulty grade 5 - 650km

The Australian Alps Walking Track

Difficult Grade 5

The Australian Alps Walking track (AAWT) passes through the Hohtam resort on its mountainous 650km (10 week) journey through the Australian Alps from Walhalla (Gippsland Victoria) to Tharwa (near Canberra ACT).  Between Loch Carpark and Mount Bogong there is a numbered snow pole line spaced 40metres apart adjacent ot the AAWT.  Pole 1 is at the Loch Car park and Pole 1285 at Mount Bogong.  Many people undertake this beautiful high country section of the AAWT as a 60km 5ay (4night) hike.

Walkers must be self-sufficient with food, water, first aid and camping gear, and be skilled in the use of map and compass.  

Experience the Australian Alps

Visit the Australian Alps website for more information on the walking track.